Monday, April 19, 2010

Gone Fishin'

Saturday turned out to be the PERFECT day! PERFECT for a day of fishing, fun, and family. There are some days when things just seem to go right (for the most part) and you can't imagine what else you could've done to make it better (except for maybe winning the lottery!) Anyhow, Saturday was one of those days = )

Fishing off of the dock.
While casting and reeling, Gage mentioned several times,
"I'm really great at fishing!" Too cute!
Papa and Riley searching for the perfect lure.

Here fishy, fishy ...

Grandma helping Gage be safe = )

Taking a nature hike to the next fishing spot.
This was snapped just after they each just oblivously walked over a live 3 ft garter snake!

Perfect picture of carefree boyhood.

Riley wants to be just like daddy. Lovin' life.

One of the crappies that didn't escape the fisherman.

"It's snack time mom, no pictures!"

Thank you Grandma and Papa Soukup for coming up and helping make this a great day and fulfilling the boys wishes. We're already looking forward to the next time = )

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