Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter -- In Pictures ...

Easter weekend was fabulous. We had a fantastic time with our families as usual. The only thing I'm disappointed in is that with over 100 snapshots from our 2 days back home, I did not once think to get everyone together for some whole family photos. What was I thinking? I guess we were just having too much fun. Maybe next time! Anyhow, here are a few of my faves ...

Dad and Corey passing around the ol' pigskin.
Riley devouring his chocolate bunny. It took less than 48 hours for this rabbit to meet his demise. Riley is definitely a fan of chocolate!

Gage admiring his findings.
Aqua Sand really is as cool as the commercials claim.
Thank you Aunt Tracy!
Little man at work.

Oh how Gage loved these yellow work glasses!
Who knew dirty ol' dog kennels could be so much fun?
Out at the Hubers, Connect 3 with Smarties. Fun and tasty!
Paige and Hunter box it out.
Grandma Huber tries, in vain, to teach Gage how to "flick" the football.
He always resorted back to just throwing through the goalposts = )

Corey chillaxin' on the swing.
Full basket = Happy Gage.

Riley came in last in the egg hunt ....

... 'cuz he had to keep stopping to sample the goodies inside!

By the time we made it back to Lawrence, we had 8 total baskets of candy. Yikes! A friend of mine offered this wonderful advice:
"You have to learn about the candy fairy. He comes nightly and eats the kids candy. It is ok though because he works for the tooth fairy and for every piece he takes he keeps your kids teeth from falling out and therefore lightening the load for the tooth fairy. In addition, for every missing piece of candy there is a penny hidden somewhere. Once the kids find 10 of these pennies they can buy a piece of candy back. If your kids are young enough and can't count, this can go on forever. For those of you whose kids can count you still get rid of 10 pieces in exchange for 1. Before long, all the candy is gone!"
Sounds good, right? We're gonna give it a go!

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