Monday, March 9, 2009

Fun with the 'rents ....

Well we had an exciting, fun-filled weekend visiting both my parents and Corey's parents. The boys always love getting to spend time with their Gwamma's and Papa's as well as Aunt Tracy! Here's a few pics of the boys adventures ...

"Turkey" hunting in the backyard

Sighting in the new gun

Celebrating netting an imaginary fish

"Fixing" the trolling motor

Smelling a plastic worm -- just because, that's what Gage does

Adjusting the time on the clock in the park for Daylight Savings

Fun on the slide
There were several other adventures that we didn't capture on film, but I wish we would have. For example, me climbing my big ol' booty up into the McDonald's Playland when Riley was stuck at the very freakin' top. Good times! Or Gage falling down the stairs not once, but twice. It wasn't funny at the time because it scared us all so, but his little body sure does tumble fast!
Also, the boys investigating the big ol' historic red barn at Gma and Gpa Hubers. I'll definitely have to capture that last one during our next visit.
All in all it was a great weekend with the family and we were even able to fit in a nice dinner with our good friend's the Bruce's.

As a matter of fact, we all had so much fun, we were just pooped by the time we headed home on Sunday. I think this pic of the boys on the drive back says it all ...

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