Monday, March 9, 2009

Chocolate Raindrops

Chocolate Rain Drops? What? My thoughts exactly. This morning while making breakfast for the boys, Riley asked me if he could have some chocolate raindrops with his eggs and sausage. I was thoroughly confused. I told him he could have a couple of M&M's, but that wasn't good enough. He specifically said, "No mom. No M's. I want CHOCOLATE RAINDROPS!" I asked him if that was something his dad had given him and he said, "No mom. Geez! I got 'em at store with you!" He was obviously getting frustrated with my ignorance and obliviousness. Then it finally clicked. We had run out of milk last week during dinner. The boys cannot survive without milk during their bedtime snack, so Riley and I made a run to the convenience store down the street to pick some up. Since he was being such a big boy I let him pick out a treat. His choice? Hershey's Kisses. I can't argue with his description too much. Chocolate raindrops indeed = )

1 comment:

WatchingTwoGrow said...

OMG how cute is that. I love seeing things from their perspective!