Thursday, June 9, 2011

Super Duper Fun-Tastic Birthday Weekend!

 Whew! So, my birthday weekend can only be described as Fun-Tastic! Somehow the stars all aligned just right and it really felt like I won the lottery or something. We got to participate in so many fun events and I was surrounded by family and friends the whole time. I couldn't ask for anything more!

After work on my birthday proper, we headed to Kansas City to take in a Royals game. It was the boys first visit to "the K"

The boys were so excited to take in this new environement. My cheeks hurt by the end of the night because I couldn't quit smiling. Their observations and awe were amazing to witness = )

It was a pretty warm evening and these spray bottles were lifesavers! They kept us cool and kept the boys entertained during lulls in the action. Thankfully those around us were pretty relaxed and actually asked the boys to spray them a few times, too. These requests were unsurprisingly met with much enthusiasm by the boys. They LOVED spraying people and themselves!

 Another excellent part of the evening is that it happened to be dollar night at the stadium. So the boys got their fill of hot dogs, peanuts and drinks. It was nice to be able to feed my hungry group without breaking the bank = ) We even splurged on this $4 popcorn. Guess who was ecstatic about that purchase?

Here's Corey explaining a play to the boys. Riley's pretty sure he's going to be a professional baseball player when he grows up in addition to a pilot and a fireman = )

Gager all ready to catch a fly ball!

Then to top off the night, it was Friday Fireworks night. They had an amazing show!

On Saturday after I got off work, it was over to our friends, the Fitzgeralds, for a good ol' Ping Pong Extravaganza. The kiddos also had a good time as they had several water activites and a trampoline for them to expend their energy. Always a good time - and no injuries this year = )~

Corey in action.

Then bright and early Sunday morning around 7:30 we headed to Kansas Speedway for the NASCAR race. I was very fortunate that a company that does a lot of clean up and restoration work for my company offered us free tickets to the races and had a really nice hospitality area set up. They even had driver Kurt Busch come to our tent to talk. Here's Corey listening to Kurt.

Here I am with Kurt. He was seriously such a nice guy!

Here's Corey with the track behind him, he soooo wants to get a chance to drive on that track!

The score tower.

Before the race there were several things we got to do courtesy of our hospitality sponsor. One thing I thought was really neat is they gave everyone a chance to get down and check out the track. Here I wrote our names on the white line for the boys. This way they can say their name is on Kansas Speedway = )

Me with my ticket and race headphones. It was really cool getting to hear the drivers talk with their team. There were some pretty heated exchanges, too. Oh, and Tony Stewart has a seriously foul mouth! It was entertaining, though!

A view of the track and stands during the race - it was a packed house!

Whew! That was so much fun. However, I can't say I wasn't super ready to just chill at home Sunday evening with the hubby and the kiddos in front of the TV and AC. It was definitely a fun-packed, hot weekend. But even with all of that excitement, it couldn't compare to the snuggles I got from my kiddos while watching Scooby Doo for the 437th time. Life is good = )

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