Friday, June 3, 2011

Anniversary ...

Wow, the years really have flown by. We celebrated our 13 Year Wedding Anniversary on Monday. We honored the day by just hanging around the house and enjoying each other's company. It was one of the best days I could have asked for!

Here's Gage working on a project in the garage. He's painting a shelf for Riley's room.
He did a really great job and was really into it!

Another view of the painter hard at work = )

Here the boys are playing with some wind socks they made the day before at Sunday school. They were learning about the flood and when God created the rainbow, thus the rainbow colors. I LOVE these projects they bring home and so do the boys. Each time we see them we are reminded of what they represent and many interesting conversations are started.

Another close up of Corey and I by our budding photographer, Riley. He was telling us a joke as he took this. It went like this ...
"How do you make a Pteradactyl laugh?"
"You FART!"
Bahahahahaha! Goodness, the boy about fell over he was laughing so hard at himself! This is turn made us laugh pretty hard. What he lacks in a punchline he definitely makes up for with enthusiasm = )

After working and playing outside, the boys were filthy, so it was bathtime.
Guess who poured his own bubbles in the bathtub?  Here Riley is being a bubble pirate. Funny boy!

Oh, and lets not leave ol' Katie out of the fun. It's hard to tell here, but she is wearing a cup on her head that is attached to a headband. It is for a game - you wear the cup then try to catch a ball in it. Again, funny boy Riley was the instigator here. He thought this was hilarious! I don't quite think that Katie would agree with that assessment, but she played along well being the sweet old girl that she is.

Finally after all that fun I went to check on the boys as they were watching a movie in Gage's "ocean room" ... this is what I found at 7:45pm. Yep, both boys were completely zonked!

That was a nice little surprise gift as it left Corey and I to spend a few hours together uninterrupted. That was really nice. Happy Anniversay to us!

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