Monday, April 4, 2011

A little of this, a little of that ...

This is just a fun post with a few cute pics I found on our camera ...

Riley getting 'nuggled in with Vickie and Jamie ... can't wait to meet the new baby soon!

Riley playing with an old fiber-optic lamp of Corey's. It is literally almost 20 years old,
but still pretty darn cool. Especially if you're 5!

On one of our nice weather day, the boys and I headed down to the levee for a little fresh air.
Riley and Gage love checking out the water flowing over the dam.
They also really like to say "dam" about 500 times while observing. Silly Boys!

This is about a mile into our journey. This is where Riley is really wishing he would have listened to
his smart mom and brought his bike instead of his scooter = )~

Luckily, there was a park not too far from here that added some much needed relief for Riley.
He gives the merry-go-round a big thumbs up!

Happy Gage, enjoying the ride = )

Gathering rock to throw in the river.


They would seriously do this all day long if they could.
For boys, there is just something cathartic about throwing that rock and watching the splash form from the impact. Heck, it was kind of cathartic for mom, too = )

Gage thought he was He-Man picking up this dead limb.
He didn't understand why we couldn't take it home.
Gosh, sometimes I'm just so mean.

Gage took this self portrait of his Barney Rubble feet.
I thought it was cute = )

I snapped this picture of Riley after looking for him for about 10 minutes.
He managed to wiggle his way up onto this old changing table that is in the back of Gage's closet.
He thought it was a cozy placy to kick back. Never dull with these two kiddos around!

Gage took this photo of the step stool that Aunt Tracy sent as a present to the boys.
They absolutely love it! They use it for everything. Great gift.
Thank you Aunt Tracy!!!

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