Sunday, March 13, 2011

Old News, New News, and Good News ..

A couple of weeks ago we headed back to good ol' Russell America to visit my Grandma. I really love that lady. I so wish that we all lived in the same town so we could spend more time together. Riley and Gage also have such a good time with her -- it might have something to do with the fact that she supplies them with enough cookies to feed an army! Here they are enjoying a little fun snuggle time = )

We have to laugh about this. There's close to 100,000 people in the town that we live in. We've lived here 14 + years and have been fortunate to avoid any type of auto accident during our time here. Well, during our short trip back to Russell - population approximately 4000 - we take my grandma out to supper. While inside eating, a local managed to back into our van out in the parking that literally had only 5 cars in it. Are you kidding me? Oh well, at least in a small town when that happens the people are nice enough to come in the restaurant and find you and tell you about it = )

There has been this box of 100 cookie cutters that I've had my eye on for a while and finally broke down and parted with my $10 for it. Inside it has the entire alphabet and number 0-9. This has become one of Riley's favorite new toys. He is so into learning to read right now, it's awesome! Riley loves putting all the letters and numbers in order and spelling out the few word that he can right now. He makes this nerdy momma so proud = ) 

In other news, we recently joined a new church. I've only belonged to 2 churches in my entire life - the one I grew up in going twice a week, every week, and the one we originally joined here in Lawrence. This was a decision I struggled with for a long time. I just wasn't feeling very connected to my church anymore and really struggled with some of it's teachings and general goings on. This is definitely not something I take lightly. So, I did a bunch of research and we visited a couple of churches in the area. One church in particular really seemed to stand out. For one, it was highly recommended by some very good people I know, and two, their children's program is pretty cool. The first time we visited, from the moment we walked in the door, people were so nice and helped us around (we must have had that deer lost in the headlights look!) So, once we got the children settled into their Sunday school class, Corey and I headed in for the service. Oh, my, goodness. I literally cried during the sermon. I have never done that before! Everything that was coming out of the pastor's mouth seemed like it directed right to me. Some signs are just too big to ignore. It was just what I needed to hear to know we were making the right decision. What a weight to be lifted from my heart! I am so looking forward to the children learning and growing with their wonderful children's ministry and for myself and Corey growing in our faith in such a comfortable surrounding.

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