Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fresh as a baby's bottom ...

Okay, so Spring has got to get here soon. Cabin fever is driving my children to find interesting ways to entertain themselves. For example, Friday evening the boys were supposed to be working on their puzzles while Corey and I cleaned up the kitchen from dinner. Somehow during this time the onery little devils apparently got bored and snuck their way into our room and the master bathroom. I got worried when we started hearing gleeful giggles from that direction. This is what we walked in to find ....

No need to adjust your monitors folks ... this is what happens when an entire bottle of baby powder is unloaded.

Riley said he loved how "all the white polka dots looked" ...
Gage loved the "spooky smokey fog that smelled good"

It's a good thing I really love these guys ... otherwise I might have to throw them in the trash!

So, I guess the bright side is our bedroom will smell as fresh as a baby's bottom for a good long while!

Thankfully Saturday's temps warmed up a little and we got to get some of that crazy energy out outside. Riley especially enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and not being cooped up! He is definitely an outside boy!

After shoveling the front yard and back yard, Riley celebrated by doing a little happy dance in the slush.

Not listening to mom and trying to make a "slushball"

Now the gloves are history - surprise, surprise!
And where was little Gager during all of this snowy play time? Well, the little guy got tuckered out fast ...

Oh, and I have to mention this because I think it's funny and just so summarizes the silly little things we encounter every day with boys. While Gage was still napping, Riley accompanied me to the store to do our weekend shopping. He was such a good helper! However, about 1/3 of the way into our trip he stops and looks at me real seriously and says, "Uh oh, Mom, I think we might have a problem." "What's up, Buddy?" "Ummmm, I still have a snowball in my pocket and I think it's gonna make a mess." Ha! Seriously, who puts a snowball in their pocket and forgets about it until a 1/2 hour later? A four year old boy, that's who! Thankfully there was a trash can nearby for quick disposal. It's never dull with these silly billys around, that's for sure = )


Leah said...

Snowball in the pocket ... still makes me chuckle! :)
I just popped over to see if you'd posted anything since my last visit. I love the new look! :)

Jean Jacques said...

I just can help but smile, while reading and seeing this pictures...

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