Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Week O' Fun: Days 1 and 2

So, this is the week our beloved daycare provider is taking a much needed vacation. Her first since we've been with her in 2 years. So far, so good. Actually, so far, so great! Seriously, we need to win the lottery so we could do this kind of stuff every day. We are having so much fun!!

Getting ready for the adventure!

Monday was Corey's day to hang with the rugrats. Unfortunately, I forgot to remind him to document his every move with the camera (just kidding -- I just had to throw that in there since I've been accused of it!), so, anyhow there are no pics. But, they had a glorious day just the same. They began their journey by taking the dogs for a hike at the dog park -- always a favorite for all involved. However, with all of the rain we've had recently, several areas of the park were more marsh than hiking area. Thankfully Corey had the good sense to bring the wagon along -- although it provided him with more of a workout than he'd anticpated with pulling the kiddos through the muck, mush, and thigh-high grass in some areas. What a good daddy!

After lunch and naps the crew headed to the Topeka Zoo. Need I say more? Probably not, but I will = ) Riley and Gage LOVED seeing all of the animals up close and personal. Their favorite were the tigers. Although Corey said that one of the beasts stood oh so still and stared them down like they were chicken nuggets. Creepy, but probably a fairly accurate assessment. Thankfully they escaped the zoo unharmed. Well, almost. Riley took a tumble and ended up with a pretty significant raspberry on one knee. But, he'll live = )

So, Tuesday was my first day with the boys -- and boy, was it awesome! We started out the day with trip to the library. This was the first time I had been brave enough to take them there. If you know my boys, being quiet isn't exactly their forte. Anyhow, it went way better than expected. We had a great time while there and brought home 4 new books to enjoy. One of the lovely librarians even helped us find 2 super books all about dinosaurs! I don't know how she could have guessed that the boys like dinosaurs, well ... aside from the fact there were a couple on Gage's shirt, one on Riley's hat, and they both mentioned them at least 10 times while perusing the shelves = ) Oh yes, subtlety is thy name!

On the steps outside the library getting instructions to be quiet.

Gage wanted to "get in this rainbow." He did his best = )

After our lovely library visit, we headed to Prairie Park Nature Center. Let me tell you, if you live in Lawrence and haven't taken your children there, please do so! I had heard of the place before, but had never been there. My neighbor girl, Jamie suggested I take the boys there and I am so thankful! There had also been a big write up in the paper recently that the city was thinking of closing this place down due to budget cuts. I am so glad they did not, it would be a shame! It's a great place for little ones to learn and explore. Plus, it's free! Anyhow, that's my plug. Check it out and give them support. It's a great place for the community = )

Here we are arriving at the Prairie Park Nature Center. The boys are checking out some of the wildlife we might encounter on our nature walk.

Here is the Macaw, Biney (I believe.) He is beautiful. He also loves to shriek and scare people -- they even have a warning sign next to him. And boy oh boy, if he didn't shriek like crazy while we were just inches from him! It scared little Gage for a second. But, once he saw big bro giggling, he joined in as well.
Here's one of the exhibits that incorporates both live and taxidermied animals. Gage had a long conversation with this oatie (coyote) including asking him to "Come here, I want to touch you!"
A beautiful bald eagle. It's really hard to grasp just how enormous they are until they're just feet from you. Amazing.
The boys at the beginning of our nature walk. Riley was going full throttle. He really needed to get some energy out!
Another part of the trail. The boys loved walking on the bridge over the "river."Can you see the concerned looks on the boys faces? Somewhere close there must be a construction site or rock quarry as you could hear large machinery working and every so often a loud crash. Gage was convinced it was dinosaurs and literally became frightened they were going to eat him. So scared in fact that mom had to carry him the remaining 1/2 mile of the trail! Poor little fella!!!!
After lunch and naps we headed to a "big park." Our backyard has now been deemed the "little park" since Corey installed the new swingset. Thus, any of the city parks are now deemed "big parks." So much fun as always. Although, Riley has me a little worried. He quickly made a "girlfriend" at the park. She was cute and fun, but definitely the most high-strung, loud and crazy of the bunch. He followed her around like a puppy dog. Oh goodness, not yet!

Gage bossing someone around. He was Mr. Bossy-Boss at the playground telling everyone to "sit here" "not so loud" "you stop it" -- some of it was good, some of it not. We'll definitely need to watch that. Guess that's one thing he got from mommy that I wish he wouldn't have. Mommy should probably work on that, too = )~

Cheesing it up while swinging.

Well, that's about it. I'm exhausted, how about you? It was a superb day and I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings. Take care!


Janie said...

Just impossible to be bored with those two and their energetic mommy:)
Back in the day we had the farm for fun and that was good,but Jenny your giving the boys the whole world,your awsome sweets!!!!!
love Mom :)

WatchingTwoGrow said...

A whole week with the boys, I am so jealous! Looks like you are having a wonderful time. Enjoy every second.