Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Haircut Incident ...

So, Riley's hair is getting pretty long and shaggy and cute if he lets me fix it. But, you know, he's a boy and really not into the whole letting mom fix his hair thing. Shocking, I know. Anyhow, the comment has been made several times that he has my hair - in regard to thickness and texture. So, now he's gotten it in his head that he doesn't want to look like mom because he's a boy and all. In light of this, we have been discussing cutting his hair a little -- leaving the top long and clipping the sides and back short -- sort of a skater boy cut style. Anyhow, Sunday morning Corey shaves his head as he normally does every month or so. Riley watched closely and when Corey was finished I asked Riley if wanted his hair cut now. He decided he wanted to wait until later. Wellllllll, LATER when I was preparing lunch I noticed the house was pretty quiet and Riley was nowhere in sight. Never a good sign. Then I recognized this faint buzzing sound off in the distance. When I rounded the corner to our bathroom, this is what I found ....

Riley starting the haircut process on his own ...

Another view. Also of note, he had to get the clippers out of the child-locked cabinet, plug them in, and move the wooden chair from the computer desk in our room to the bathroom to accomplish this feat.
I would say the boy was determined = )

The massive pile of hair. Sniff, sniff.

The final result from the back ... we left him a big ol' rat tail = )

And from the front. Riley thinks he's the #1 cool dude now!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

in the first picture he really needed a buzz cut also did you cut the rats tail