Thursday, May 6, 2010

Secrets and "Cookie" Hunting ...

I so wish I had the time and the memory to record all of the hilarious and oftentimes informative conversations that we have with our children. Many of my favorite talks with them occur on drives to and from pre-school. They are just so open during that time and their little personalities and their unique ways of interpreting the world around them is just so apparent. The boys' teachers do a fabulous job of providing the agendas of what will be covered each day and send home some really great recaps that include everything from what they ate, how much they ate, how nap time/quite time went, the boys tempermants, struggles and accomplishments. As a mom, I love these so much. But, what I love even more is hearing the boys explain their day. Seeing things through their eyes is so much fun and can vary greatly from the description of even the most discriminating adult.

On the way home yesterday, I asked the boys what they learned about today. I already knew that this week's focus is family, but wanted to hear their perspective. Gage piped up first saying, "Momma, we learned about family and about Mother's Day! I made you a beautiful Mother's card. It's a secret!" As I tried to hold back the giggles since the "secret" part was obviously lost on Gage, he finally caught on and breathed out an unsure, "Uh oooooh." To which Riley quickly came to the rescue, "Gager, it's okay to tell mom. We don't keep secrets from our mommy. It's always okay to tell her." This made my heart so happy. Riley really does listen to what I say! I went on to let them know how proud I was of them and reiterated that they can always tell me anything. As family, we shouldn't keep secrets from each other, because telling the truth is how we protect one another. I hope they keep this lesson in their hearts and minds forever (especially during the teenage years! ... I won't hold my breath on that one, though = )

The Mother's Day conversation got us talking about what we were going to do for the boys' grandmas since it's Mother's Day for them, too. Riley immediately started in that he wanted to go see Grandma Soukup right now and give her hugs and smooches. Such a lover! I explained that we couldn't see her tonight, but we could call her and let her know. So we dialed her up and Riley gave Grandma an earful, then it was Gage's turn to hold the phone and talk. He immediately wanted to know where PaPa was. When Grandma answered that PaPa was turkey hunting, Gage got super excited and exclaimed, "I want to go COOKIE hunting, too!" Oh that boy, always something food-oriented on his mind. After the giggles died down, both Grandma and I reiterated that PaPa was actually hunting a big bird called a turkey, not cookies. Gage thought that sounded okay, too -- but the level of excitement waned measurably. Such a little foodie, that one.

So, still on the topic of Mother's Day, though ... I am so excited to see my secret Mother's card and to visit our family and celebrate together. Hope you all have a fabulous weekend as well!

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