Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Plateaus Suck.

Okay, fair warning -- if you are looking for a positive anecdote or cute pics of the kids, it is in your best interest to click elsewhere as I am feeling very frustrated. As you may or may not know, I started a health overhaul the first part of October and I have been experiencing very positive, goal-reinforcing success. As of a week and a half ago I had lost 14.5 pounds and a whole pants/dress size and was feeling really good about myself. Then I hurt my back ... again. I haven't been able to work out for a week and a half and I can totally tell it is very negatively affecting how I feel both physically and mentally. Plus, I have only lost 1/2 pound during this time period while still adhering to my fairly strict diet. Ugggh! I am hurting and frustrated and it is all I can do to not go dive into my kids reward M&M's or my hubby's pizza and ice cream for a good ol' comfort food binge. I won't, because I know how incredibly guilty I would feel afterward, but it still sounds good. Well, that's it. That's my rant. I do actually feel a little better putting it down in writing. Thanks for listening = )


Debbie said...

Hon, I understand, I have been exercising 3-5 times a week since May and have lost a whole flipping 5 pounds. But I am healthy, so that is what I focus on. It will come, don't give up.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jenny, dieting is like fighting. You alway feel like hell in the morning no matter whether you win or lose. As long as you did your best and hopefully look better than the opponent, it all good. Just remember, mind and body work as one.