Friday, January 28, 2011

Comfort ...

So, my boys are now quickly approaching ages 4 and 5, and still, yes STILL, they sometimes wander down the hall into our bedroom in the middle of the night to be reassured there's no boogeyman under their bed -- or werewolf in their closet -- or bad guy in the attic -- or sometimes just to cuddle. Thankfully these late night/early morning sojourns are becoming few and far between so this momma can get some much needed uninterrupted sleep. However, last night, Riley comes stealthily into our room about 3:00 or so and tries to quietly sneak into our bed. As I try to put the kibosh on this and advise him he needs to head back to his own big boy bed, he ever so sweetly says, "But mom, I just want to snuggle you a little bit because I love you and you are so comfortable." Ahhhh, melted momma's heart! And yes, I did let him snuggle in for a little bit and I think we both found comfort in that = ) Love those kiddos and these sweet moments!

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