Thursday, January 13, 2011

Beware - this blog's a bummer ...

Okay, I'll try not to sound too whiney. Have you ever had one of those weeks where it just seems like everything has just gone all whack-a-doodle? Well, lucky me, this is our week! It started out with the vacuum going kaput. A belt and the roller bar. Thankfully my hubby is handy, so that one can be fixed for a low $65 or so. Then we get tons of snow ... which is all fun and good for playing in, but when it's a large enough accumulation to close school, our pre-school is closed, too. So, there's the additional cost of a separate sitter and/or taking time off work if you can't find a sitter. Next, both of the kids get super sick running fevers which means maybe 2 hours of sleep per night for Dr. Mom, if I'm lucky. Not to mention doctor and medicine costs. The next fantastic item is the heating element going out in the dryer. Another hundred plus bucks. Great! Now, at this point I'm sleep deprived and more than broke. As I'm sitting in the kitchen telling myself that I am NOT going to whine about my little troubles on this blog, I start to smell a burning smell. At this point, I begin to laugh from delirium and the curse of Murphy's Law. Our dishwasher is now kaput. Are you kidding me? Well, I know better than to question what else could go wrong, because really, in the big scheme of things, these little blips are just tiny little bumps in our path, not major roadblocks or devastating events. So, I'm gonna suck it up now, plug along, and pray for the universe to right itself.


Just as I hit "Publish Post," Riley and Gage come to get me to point out that the snow blowing off the roof and flittering through the light looks like Tinkerbell's pixie dust. And, when Gage blinks his eyes, he can make magic. That makes me smile. Yep, life isn't too bad after all = )

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