Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Oh, my Riley-boy ... he sure keeps it entertaining!?!

I so love my Riley-boy. He is my first born. He has these deep, dark brown eyes than can just melt your soul. He is a determined thinker and problem solver. He is the protector of his brother and friends against bullies. He is my sweet boy that loves to snuggle. He genuinely loves to "help" with almost any task and is really adept at most household chores. He can also, at times, be more stubborn, outgoing, opinionated and "helpful" than is good for him.

Last week Riley had an exceptionally trying week at school. In his class at pre-school, they have what they call "centers." Each center has a specific function or activity: building/construction, puzzles, reading, art, dramatic play, writing, housekeeping, etc. When Riley was in a center he really enjoyed (building/construction, puzzles, dramatic play and housekeeping) he would thrive and be just a model student. His lead teacher even made sure to express how he really excels in areas that require fine motor skill and following specific directions (such as constructing cars, helicopters and buildings either through imagination or following blueprints.) However, when he is in one of the other centers that he doesn't like as well he would deem them "stupid" or "boring" and not want to participate. He would even try to escape and go "help" other kiddos that were in centers more to his liking. Occasionally he was even going into full meltdown mode trying get his way. Unacceptable.

Then, to top things off, during a discussion regarding farm animals, Riley decided it would be a great idea to pull his pants down and announce to his friends that, "My private looks like a cow's 'gutters'!" Oh boy. Even though I actually find that pretty comical, it is obviously not appropriate and we had to deal with that along with his disrespectful behavior. This meant being super strict with him and even a couple of spankings - which I totally hate - and so does he - but sometimes that is the only way to get through to him. We also did a lot a role-playing at home to help him learn to make better choices. His prize or punishment, depending upon his actions on Friday was getting to stay for the school Halloween party or him having to leave with me and not get to participate.

I went to his school on Friday at noon with the worst feeling in my stomach. I really did not want him to miss the party. Seriously, how terrible would that be? How did I get to be this mean mom? I just kept reminding myself that he was aware of the consequences and we had talked many times about how he is responsible for his actions. I had the best surprise ever when I walked in to see him being such a good boy and the teachers said they would love it if he could stay and celebrate with them. Yay! He has, for now, mostly continued this good behavior and even got a "Star Student" award on Monday for once again being so awesome!

Lord knows I am all for a little dissent here and there. I definitely do not want to raise a little robot who blindly follows whatever those around tell him. It's good to question routine and authority now and then, as long as it's done respectfully. I sincerely hope that I can find a way to teach this to both of my boys and be a good role model. In the meantime, though, let's hope and pray that this good boy sticks around!!!

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