Monday, August 30, 2010


So, as the old saying goes, no good deed goes unpunished. Riley was being a big helper to his teachers today and was helping put away some supplies. In the process, he took a big spill with his mouth breaking his fall against a stepstool. Yeeeeoooouuuuch! The school called to tell me about it a little before lunch. They said he was hurting quite a bit but it didn't look like he needed stitches or anything, so I let him stay in school. During nap time the swelling set in, by the time I got there to pick him up this is what he looked like = (

My poor little buddy! He was so miserable. He didn't eat lunch or snack because it hurt, so not only was he hurting, but my hungry boy was also starving. After trying several soft foods, he decided he wanted something more substantial. So, after some ice cream, pudding, and apple sauce he went on to devour about 20 black olives, a bunch of french fries cut up super small, and half a hamburger. Yeah, I think he's gonna live. After he got some food in him along with some Motrin he was feeling much better ... can you tell?

That's some food stuck in his teeth, by the way ... not a chipped tooth. Thank goodness! There is still quite a bit of swelling, but it is going down little by little. It's always something! Here's to hoping this heals fast for my big boy's sake!

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