Thursday, February 18, 2010

Nice try ....

Oh, Gage. So cute. So sweet. So not very good at being naughty. Here's his newest schtick. Say for instance, he wants to get into the "junk drawer" in the kitchen that he knows he is not supposed to be into and you are standing in the near vicinity watching him. He will say, "Momma, could you not look at me, please?" or "Daddy, can you please turn around?" or "Can you leave me alone a little bit?" Then, if you follow his request, just to see what he's going to do, he, of course, gets right into the forbidden drawer. When you call him on it he'll demand, "No! You don't look at me!" Ha! Nice try, sweetie, but that's not gonna work = )

And then there's Riley. Oh my darling, Riley. Last night while Corey was doing dishes and I was putting laundry away, I faintly heard what I thought was the sound of running water. I yelled for him to turn the faucet off and stop wasting water. The sound didn't stop and I got no reply from Mr. Busy Boy. That's never a good sign. So, I venture into his bathroom to see what is up. He has covered the entire surface of the sink and cabinet, the toilet, and most of the bathtub with Lysol. Not just a fine mist, mind you, but completely soaked! His reply, "Mom, I was just cleaning for you. See. Smells good." as he takes a big whiff. As I explain to him that it is wonderful that he wants to help clean, he is not to ever get out the cleaning products without mom and dad because they are poison. That is why those cupboards have child locks on them. He then says, "But, I'm big enough mom. I can open it just like this!" He then proceeds to show me he has outsmarted the safety feature. Nice. Too smart for his own good, for sure!

Not much after this, the boys became co-conspirators in crime. Gage is currently in the midst of potty training and hopefully getting close to success. (Please oh please oh please oh please!!!) Anyhow, another one of his new things is hiding out to make poopoo, then sneaking into the bathroom to dump the poo in the potty. You see, he knows he's supposed to poo in the potty, he just doesn't want to do it. So, when he poos in his pull-ups he wants to hide the evidence. Well, a couple of the nuggets landed on the seat when he went to dump them last night and he did not want to touch them. So, he enlisted big brother's help. We, of course, intervened and proceeded with the clean up. But, I gotta say, I'm impressed with Riley's problem solving skills. His little wheels were turning with ways to push the poo in the potty without actually touching it. He was even a little upset that we wouldn't let him complete the task. It's too bad his major sanitizing project happened before this instance instead of after!
Oh the joy of parenting two little mischievious boys = )

1 comment:

Grandma Soukup said...

ha! our funny funny boys
this why I like being a Grandma,most of the time I get to laugh and not have to deal with the crap, pun intended :)