Sunday, April 19, 2009

Our Week in Pictures ...

Well, we started off the week with Riley having his first dentist appointment scheduled on Monday. I went in hoping for the best, but expecting the worst, and ended up with something in between. We've been practicing a lot at home and I even let him be the dentist that Morning and brush my teeth. He seemed so prepared and excited! Here's a picture of him practicing his "ahhhh" in the car right before we go in ....

Here he is in the chair they brought in for me to sit on.
Riley preferred it to the actual examine chair. After all, it did spin in circles!

This is what it looked like when we tried to get him to sit in the exam chair by himself ... he couldn't get out fast enough! Finally, I sat in the chair and he sat in my lap. After much coaxing, he would finally smile for the hygienist, but would not open his mouth. When the dentist came in, he would not even smile. We'll give it another try in a couple of months. Stubborn little boy!

Here's the little squirt in the car after the appointment. Why oh why couldn't he show his pearly whites like this to the dentist? Oh well, it's this kind of smile that keeps me from throwing him in the trash! (just kidding about the trash part! well, kind of = )

Here are the boys having one their picnic suppers in the backyard. We were blessed with several nice days this week, so much to the boys delight, there were plenty of these!

We finally got around to doing some landscaping in this bare spot at the back of our house. The boys had a blast helping out. They did a great job finding new homes for the worms that got dug up and helping me add potting soil to the existing dirt. However, I think their favorite part was helping Corey bring the mulch around the house in the wheelbarrow. For Riley and Gage wheelbarrow = fun!
Gage had had enough of his gardening gloves, so he was off for other duties. Although, he could never stay away long. So, I got the enjoyment of putting his little gloves on at least 4 or 5 times. Trust me, it's not as easy as it sounds -- but it's always worth it = )
Hey, who's this guy? Wait! It's Riley with a new haircut!!! Yep, the old 70's shaggy do is gone -- for now. As much as I hated to see it go, Riley was ready for some short hair again, so here it is. With those eyes, he could have no hair and it wouldn't matter to me. But, I might be just a smidge biased there!
Well, Sunday was Gage's birthday proper, so we had yet another celebration with just the four of us.
Yay! We love to party = )

Here's Gage with some watering cans ... they will come in handy for the new landscaping!
Opening a paint with water book. These are great! Although the kids got bored with them much quicker than I did. Oh well, more fun for me = )
The short-haired brothers checking out the new magnetic puzzle.

Here the boys and daddy were being inventive and building a new kind of fort. However, they quickly renamed it "us house." So, now, depending on the set up we have "us fort" and "us house."
Obviously, we are still working on proper pronoun useage at the Huber household.

Our other big news is that Riley spent the entire weekend in big boy undies! Woohoo, we are getting closer! There were a few accidents, but I really feel that he is close to the finish line. Wish us all luck and patience! There were also several other moments that filled our week such as a girl's night out for mom (much deserved and much enjoyed!), some good times bike riding with Riley (with the exception of a crash or two), and let's not forget the tears and tantrums and all out fights! Believe it or not, it's not always sunshine and roses here at Casa Huber. But, unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on the situation, we do not have pictures of those Kodak moments.
This upcoming week we have Gage's 2 year check-up. Definitely looking forward to seeing how that goes. Pray that it is a much smoother visit than Riley's 3 year. Until next time ... take care!

1 comment:

WatchingTwoGrow said...

I love Riley's hair!!!!!