Sunday, October 26, 2008

We LOVE Autumn!

This is such a great time of year! The cool breeze, changing colors, holidays ... what's not to love?

Corey could wait no longer and had to fire up the fireplace Friday evening. He is so cute, just like a kid in a candy store when he gets to play with fire = ). I wasn't too hip with starting it up just yet, but I have to admit, once he had it going, it was soooo nice. There is just something so enjoyable about feeling the warmth of a fire and listening to crackle of the logs. Riley and Gage were in awe. I wish I would've gotten some pictures, they looked so sweet in the amber glow of the flames! But, I'm sure there's no need to fret ... it's early in the year, there will be several more opportunites.

Saturday we had a wonderful time visiting with family at my cousin Rose's wedding. I do wish I'd had a little more time to actually sit and enjoy conversation with everyone, but my little rascals were full of energy -- actually that's quite an understatement! Thankfully it was another gorgeous October day, so when they really needed to get their ya-ya's out (or their mommy needed to) we were able to go outside and take a little walk around the block. I only wish I had worn flats instead of heels! Anyhow, the wedding was lovely and the reception was very nice. Rose was an absolutely beautiful bride and Josh a handsome groom. I wish them a lifetime of happiness!

On Sunday, Corey went to work with his chainsaw cutting up some more wood for his woodpile. After Friday night's fire, he decided he didn't have nearly enough cut to make it through the winter - - did I mention he's a bit of a firebug? Anyhow, he cut up a ton and the boys were so cute watching him. Riley even had to run inside and grab his chainsaw and emulate his daddy. Love it = ) And of course, one of the boys' favorite parts about daddy cutting wood is getting to play on the woodpile before it gets officially stacked. Here's a few pics of the boys having fun ...

After all of that excitement, we headed over to our friends and neighbors, Vicki & Windell's, for supper and pumpkin carving. We had so much fun! Surprisingly, Riley and Gage weren't too hip on gutting out the goopy insides of the pumpkins. I thought for sure this would be right up Gage's alley as he is typically all about the gross factor of any situation -- but this was beyond his job description as far as he was concerned! Sara did get him to hold some seeds and strings in his hand for a few moments before he made a sour face and dropped the ooey-gooey stuff ASAP = ) However, once that part was over -- and the excitement of Corey and Windell playing Wii golf wore off -- they decided to join in the pumpkin carving festivities. Although it was a little frightening allowing them to handle the carving tools, they did pretty well and we all left with our fingers in tact = ) Below are a couple of pics of the festivities. Thank you for a fun evening Scott Family!


WatchingTwoGrow said...

Although I totally disagree with loving this time of year with the drop in temperature, I completely love the holidays too. The pumpkin carving looks like so much fun!!!! The boys get cuter every day!

Unknown said...

Good good good......

The Scott's said...

We had so much fun with you guys last night and the boys were so cute trying to carve the pumpkins wwe so love having them in our life, it's wonderful to spend time with them and we love there kisses and hugs.