Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Museum of Natural History ...

After being held prisoner for a couple of days after his adenoidectomy, Riley needed to get out of the house for a little while, so we decided to take a little visit to the KU Museum of Natural History. It was a super fun way to spend a little time out and about without our little recuperating fellow exerting too much effort. It was a great time for all of us. We even got to see our good friend, Savannah, for a moment as she happened to be on campus during our visit. Thank goodness, too! She got this turned around momma going in the right direction - Thanks Savannah!

This here is another reason we were thankful to see Miss Savannah. She showed the boys this working train whistle in the Kansas Union. Riley and Gage loved pushing the button and hearing the whistle blow!

Here the boys are posing with this huge Polar Bear.
Riley and Gage thought he was pretty darn cool.
They named him Bob = )

Out of all of the exhibits, this suspended Mosasaur skeleton was probably the favorite.
It really is awesome. 

Another view.
I sure wouldn't want to meet this guy swimming in the water -
check out those chompers!

Riley especially enjoyed this exhibit on viruses and DNA.
This particular model is of the HIV virus.
It was really interesting. And scary.

Here the dynamic duo is checking out some computer videos on virus mutation and slides of different viruses under the microscope. We spent at least 20 minutes in this part of the exhibit alone.

Hmmmmmm, veeeerrrrryyyyy interesting ....
Possibly a couple of budding scientists?
That would make mommy so proud!

Checking out some fossils. 

Here's Gage popping out from under a dandelion in the simulated "Life a Worm" wormhole.

Another view of the wormhole. Riley is getting all tangled up in some roots, while Gage is petting the giant 5 foot "worm" in the background. Silly good fun!

This was also a favorite at the museum in the bug exhibit.
A mini-movie theatre with kiddo-sized chairs!

They played 3 short bug-themed films that had 3 bugs commenting a al Mystery Science Theatre 3000 style. Not sure who liked this more, the kiddos or me = )

All in all, we had a pretty fantastic and educational time at the Museum. We will have to go back soon as the 6th floor was closed on this trip. That happens to be the Snake floor. Looking forward to going back to check that out!

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