Wednesday, April 13, 2011

All is well ...

First off, Riley had his adenoidectomy and bi-lateral something-or-other (basically piercing his eardrums and removing all the paste-consistency fluid that has backed up behind there.) Anyhow, Riley did pretty great. Although it was obvious he was feeling pretty apprehensive, he complied with what was asked of him and the surgery went extremely well. He is such a big boy! The only real trouble came when he was coming out of the anesthesia. He was a little disoriented and wanted to box everyone around him. Once I got to the recovery room he calmed down and got his bearings and all was right in the world again. This was really a pretty minor procedure, but anytime he goes under I worry like crazy until he is my alert and bright-eyed boy again. Really, I think the hardest part of the whole process is trying to get Riley to chill out during his recovery period over the next couple of days. The doctor was adamant that Riley is supposed to be on strict couch potato duty. Ha! We're trying to keep him entertained with quiet activities, but this boy was just born to move!

Other than that we've just been getting out and enjoying the nice weather. Viva Spring!

This is quickly becoming one of the boys favorite activites -
putting together their own picnic snack.
Unfortunately, the menu is mostly sugary items!
During their picnics they really enjoy chatting with all of the neighborhood people who walk by with their dogs. It's so cute seeing them interact with everyone = )

The boys posing with their best buddy, Kohen, after a play date.
They all had a ton of fun getting all decked out in costumes!

We had a super warm and windy day last Sunday,
a perfect day for flying kites after church.
Gage is prepping for takeoff!

... and getting all tangled up!

Finally, airborne success! He was so stoked to see Batman climb so high!

Here's Riley with his Star Wars kite. He had a ton of fun while it lasted.
Unfortunately, he had a pretty rough crash right away that limited the $1.99 kite's later performances = (

After the flying expo, it was over to the park to let out some sillies = )

They were singing a made up super hero song here.
They are definitely my super heroes!

Here's Gage making his favorite silly picture face.

Somehow he convinced me I needed to do the same -
I'll truly do anthing for these boys!

In other news, we just received our Kindergarten Round-up paperwork. Goodness! I'm still trying to wrap my mind around this. Lots of mixed emotions, but mostly excitement for this next step for Riley. Looking forward to what new and exciting things will come out of this educational adventure! = )

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