Friday, August 12, 2011

How do you ride non-stop at the County Fair? ...

... Go on Saturday afternoon when it's 106 degrees!
It may be HOT, but there's no waiting!

The carnival looks a little like a ghost town.

Our view of Grandma and Papa Soukup (center of photo) from the top of the Ferris Wheel.

Corey and Riley in the seat next to us at the top of the Ferris Wheel.

Gage and I being silly - once again on the Ferris Wheel = )

The boys on the Four Wheelers - still a favorite for Gage but a little boring for Riley.
He wanted to ride the "big boy" rides with Papa and Daddy!
(hmmm, not sure what happened here during the download,
this is actually supposed to be 3 different photos)

The roller coaster is still the fave!

Another angle of the fun!

Once a farmboy, always a farmboy. My dad feeding the little piggy by hand = )

Gage and the piggy.

Riley enjoyed petting the sweet donkey.

Gage kept calling this little guy a "bull" since he had horns = )

Corey and the camel having a serious conversation.

Looks like they got it all worked out = )

Riding the horses was fun as usual. Those poor animals looked so hot, though.

Another good thing about going to the fair when it's super hot? All the carnies are bored to tears, so the little ones are big winners at every game they try! On one dart game, Gage was having a hard time getting anything to pop, so the game operator kept telling him to yell "pop!" This would still earn him a prize = )

Gage and Grandma chilling out in the shade.

It was hot, but it was fun. The boys are already ready to do it again ... the wait 'til next year will be a long one!

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