Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Wow, it's been a whole month ....

I think this is probably the longest time between posts since I started blogging. There has been so much going on these past couple of weeks, I don't even know where to start recapping (nor do I have that much time!) Instead I think I'll just throw out a couple of funny conversations/observations that come to mind ....

Gage: What are you watching?
Me: The Vampire Diaries
Gage: (with a very confused/disgusted look on his face) Why are you watching Vampire Diarrhrea?
Me: (no words, just uncontrollable giggles = )

Me: Just a couple more days and you boys will be staying with Grandma and PaPa for a couple of days!
Riley: Yeah! And I'm gonna stay 7 WEEKS! Instead of going to school today, mom you should just get me a motorcycle and I will drive to Grandma and PaPa's, I know the way.
Me: I think you need to learn to ride a bike without training wheels before we move up to a motorcycle.
Riley: (while rolling his eyes) Mom. I can balance a motorcycle, it has much bigger, wider tires.
Me: Interesting theory!

Riley explaining life stages to Corey: Dad, you started as a baby, then you were a boy, then you were a man, now you're a daddy, then you'll be a grandpa, and then you die and we bury you at the cemetary.

Gage: I want to be a daddy. Mom will you grow my baby in your tummy?
Me: No honey, that's not quite how it works. Someday you will find a nice girl, marry her, and she will grow your baby in her tummy.
Gage: No. I just want to be a daddy all by myself. I don't need any girlfriend. Girls are too bossy!

I know there are a bunch more tidbits to share, but they will have to wait for another post. In the meantime Merry Christmas from the Hubers!!!!!


Tommy said...

Awesome blog! If you're at all interested in music, you can visit mine at http://notesdaily.wordpress.com/

Leslie said...

I just hit "Next blog" at the top and came across your cute family blog! Are your boys twins? Hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

ps girls are bossy! LOL

Huber Family said...

Thanks, Leslie! I checked out your blog as well, cute family and great idea with the giveaways!
Our boys are "Irish Twins" - or so I'm told that is the term - they are 13 months apart. Being that close has its blessings and its burdens, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Best wishes to you and yours in 2011 = )

Leslie said...

They are adorable!!!! Thanks!!

I hope you will enter - no one has yet :( Take care. :)

chelsea said...

I love your family picture. You have a very nice and adorable family. Your lucky!

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