Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The S's: Sillies, Sweetness, Stubbornness, and Sadness (?)

Silly quote:

Riley while heading to the computer, "I'm gonna get online here and see about getting us a pizza going." (side note: we have literally only ordered pizza 4 or 5 times in the past 2 years, but it is always big excitement for the boys!)

Sweet quote:

While I am laying down in bed with the flu, Riley comes in, kisses my forehead and gently strokes my cheek and says, "It'll be okay sweetheart. You'll feel better soon." (it is amazing to me the sweetness that can come out of this boy when he sets aside his orneryness!)

Stubborn quote:

Overheard while the boys were left alone for a few minutes to finish an art project ... Gage, "No. This just isn't working for me. Riley I NEED the BLUE sparkles and the BLUE scissors." Riley, "Gager, I'm using them. Just use the red ones." Gage (getting a tad excited now,) "Wellllllll, maybe I didn't 'splain [explain] myself clearly .... " (hmmmm, maybe he's heard that phrase a time or two hundred?)

Sadness (?) quote:

A year and a half ago we lost our sweet fish Mr. Indigo Pickles. There were many tears shed over his demise. Riley's heart was particularly broken. To help the healing we picked out a new fish, Mr. Fireball Pickles. Unfortunately, Fireball took his last breath yesterday. After a long prepared speech about the life cycle of fish, we held a toilet bowl vigil for our dear departed friend. Riley had these parting words to say to him, "I'll miss playing with you Mr. Fireball Pickles!" Then a quick flush and an even quicker, "Bye bye weeniehead!" (yeah, not quite the dramatics of last time. it's amazing how much difference a little time can make in their reactions to events. however, this is also the boy who still prays for our dear dog Gracie who passed and will shed tears for her in the drop of a hat because he misses her. you just never know with these boys.)

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