Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our big boy is FOUR!!!!!

Wow. It's really difficult to wrap my mind around the reality that it has already, yet also only, been four years since Riley came into our lives. The years since he was born have flown by and been filled with more love and laughter than I could have ever imagined. There are also plenty of roadbumps and frustrations, but that's just part of the package. At the same time, it is so strange to realize that it has only been four years, because really, it is getting harder and harder to remember what life was like before this little whirlwind of energy became our everything. Whew!

Anyhow, I think Riley would agree that his birthday was a success. We started out Friday morning with a mini-celebration and continued on through the weekend. At Pre-School his teachers put together an awesome present package that included all of his favorites: Ben10 art supplies, an airplane, and a Spiderman activity book. Fun! And thoughtful = ) Riley also had a little party at pre-school where he was thrilled to show off and share the cupcakes he and his brother helped make the night before. They boys also helped make this Robot cake. Good times!

Riley was also stoked to get some surprise birthday greetings from some of his favorite girls ...
here with Jamie ...
and here with Sara.

After the requested dinner of sloppy joe's was wolfed down, the boys finished tearing into the presents. All of the gifts were loved by both of the boys. Luckily there were several so too many fights didn't break out -- they could just hop from one to another = )

A cast iron plane from dad. Too cool!

Poor Gage. This picture sums up how he felt most of the weekend. He has a terrible head cold! Although, he did find enough energy to play in spurts!

The spiderman scooter. He can really cruise on this contraption!

Sneaking fingerfuls of frosting while we hunt for the candles that mysteriously went MIA,
then turned up the next day courtesy of Mr Riley Shaw Huber.

A campout with their new matching camo sleeping bags = )

Grandma and Papa Soukup came for a visit on Saturday. Grandma was the lucky recipient of all of Riley's bows ... he loved decorating Grandma!

The big hit of the day was Hungry, Hungry Hippos. I have seriously never seen the boy play with something so continuously for such an extended period of time. We're talking several hours in a row on Saturday, then again on Sunday
(until I finally had to put the thing up for a little while to keep my sanity! = )

Proud boy with his newly constructed lego car.

The architect putting the finishing touches on his Lincoln Log house.

Cheesing it up with the airplane glider from school.

We all had so much fun this weekend and are looking forward to even more. But, for now, it's time for rest because we're all exhausted. Good night = )

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