Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Pre-School Graduation ...

Oh my goodness, we are so proud of our Rileybug! Riley has learned so much over the past couple of years in pre-school and is growing into such a fun, sweet and caring young man. His teachers tell us that in school he has such a big heart and is always one of the first to help or console a classmate if they are having trouble with a project or life issue or even if they are just feeling sad. They say he also truly enjoys learning and is always ready for the next challenge. As a parent, these are things you hope for your child and we see these things in him (along with his ornery side) at home. But, it is also so nice to hear from others what a nice young man he is becoming as well = )

Riley and me in his classroom before the ceremony.

Trying on his graduation hat that he made from
construction paper and cardboard.

Hats off to the graduating class!

Silly boy.

Having fun singing their "Graduation" song. I was pleasantly surprised by how well this group of 5 year olds sang. Riley, of course, made sure he sang the loudest. He was so proud of himself and he really LOVES to sing!

"Flash" Huber running across the stage to get his diplma. Guess I should have had the "action" setting on!

Riley with his rose and diploma next to Corey.


The class - Ashlynn, Maranda, Braylen, Collin, Elaina, Riley and Xavier
with their awesome teachers - Miss Emily, Miss Jessica, and Miss Brittnee.

Proud Parents with our Pre-School Graduate = )

This evening was a lot of fun, and truth be told, this momma even shed a couple of happy tears. Riley we are so proud of you for everything you have accomplished and learned at Building Blocks! You are so special and your love for fun is infectious. We are looking forward to watching you grow and learn in your next challenge - Kindergarten! We know you will do awesome!

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